Boost your SEA campaigns with AI-Persona: A success story

Do you manage or are responsible for SEA campaigns and are you always looking for ways to improve performance? Then you are exactly right here! Our case study shows how the use of AI-greated personas can significantly increase the performance of Google Ads campaigns. Curious? Then stick with it!

The key role of personas in marketing

In modern marketing, detailed customer personas are essential. They help us to better understand the target group and to address them specifically. But traditional methods for creating personas often reach their limits. This is where artificial intelligence comes into play.

AI Personas: The Game-Changer

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to collect and analyze millions of data points. In this way, precise and highly detailed personas can be created. Mnemonic AI from Austin, Texas provides an impressive example of this. This company uses complex algorithms to analyze between 60 and 400 million data points per persona and derive actionable insights.

A look at AI personas in practice: Rindchen’s Weinkontor

Attention Media had an AI persona developed for the renowned wine retailer Rindchen’s Weinkontor in order to optimize their Google Ads campaign. The challenge was to identify the main drivers of purchasing decisions and customers’ price perception.

Let me introduce: Gregor

The AI-generated persona “Gregor” is based on extensive analyzes and reflects the interests and preferences of the target group. For example, Rindchen’s customers were found to be passionate about cooking for friends and family and selecting wines to complement their culinary creations. Additionally, the analysis found that pricing was less important to customers than the unique shopping experience and the ability to discover wines from small, unknown wineries.

Optimization of ads based on the AI persona

Using the insights from the AI ​​persona, Attention Media refined the text ads for the Google Ads campaign. In a four-week A/B testing phase, the performance of the optimized ad texts was compared to the original ones. The results were impressive:

Increased conversion rate: 19.3% increase

Reduced cost per click (CPC): 27.14% reduction

Lower cost per conversion: 39.11% reduction

Conclusion on the use of AI personas

Our case study impressively shows how the use of AI personas can significantly improve the performance of SEA campaigns. By gaining deep insights into audience preferences and adapting ad copy accordingly, notable improvements in conversion rates and cost effectiveness were achieved.


If you would like to learn more about how AI personas can optimize your SEA campaigns, we recommend reading the full case study. Dive deeper into the world of AI and discover how you can take your marketing strategies to the next level!

Link to the complete case study: case study.

We hope our case study has inspired you and made you curious. Good luck with your next SEA campaigns!