Programmatic is like fine wine

Programmatic marketing – explained differently.

Anyone who asks the question “What is programmatic marketing?” will quickly find themselves confronted with a heap of foreign words, abbreviations, technical processes and (for those who are really unlucky) mathematical formulas.

That’s mostly confusing. It makes the interested person freeze in awe or roll their eyes, close the browser and say: We don’t need it.

It’s quite simple: programmatic marketing is like fine wine. Both require the right ingredients. The right tool. Manual labor and time.

When these four components work together, you will achieve your goal:

In the beginning there is the goal.

A winemaker has a full-bodied wine in mind. Your marketing campaign also has clear goals: newsletter subscribers, sales, traffic. A happy client.

Programmatic marketing provides you with ingredients and tools that are precisely tailored to your goal: no mass audiences, but the right target group, at the right time, with the right ads.

It’s quality wine – not a soft drink from the vending machine.

Remember: Programmatic is a form of online marketing that focuses on finding individuals. And deliver individual advertising material to these individuals.

Classic online marketing compared to Programmatic Marketing

Imagine that a company wants to reach a specific target group with its online advertising.

According to the classic approach, the company books inventory on a website that suits the target group.

Classic online marketing

The advertising material is displayed on the website, all visitors can see the advertising material. And you pay for all those visitors.

Programmatic Marketing

With programmatic marketing, on the other hand, you address your customers directly:

You would like to gain new customers for your “Hiking Magazine”

The target group: A potential customer searched online for hiking shoes and visited websites on the subject of “mountains”. You can assume that he falls into your target group.

The process: The above customer is planning his summer vacation. One advertising space is free on the travel website. And you take part in the auction for this advertising space with your product. If you win, your customer will see your ad.

In programmatic, your banner can appear on websites with a completely different context – but it will be played out to the right customer.

In short: You target people with programmatic. Not websites.

How exactly does this work? (And what does that have to do with red wine?)

Let’s get back to the four components: ingredients, tools, time and manual work.

Ingredients: Targeting

Targeting is the selection of the juiciest grapes in a vineyard. With targeting you collect and sort your target group.

     1.) Basics

  • GEO: country, region, city, place (e.g. football stadium)
  • Gender, Age, Income
  • interest
  • mobile phone, internet connection; browsers

     2.) Strategies (a small selection of options)

  • Keywords / Contextual
  • Custom Affinity / Intent
  • InMarket Audiences
  • Similar Audiences
  • 3rd Party Daten
  • Private Deals

Technical Platform

We use “Display & Video 360”, a product of the Google Marketing Platform, for media buying, audience management, ad serving and the creation of dynamic advertising media.

Time and manual work: the media buyer

Yeast allows the wine to ferment – in Programmatic, an algorithm optimizes towards campaign goals. The winemaker also checks, sniffs and adjusts. Handcrafted.

A media buyer takes care of your campaign, analyzes and optimizes it. So that you can achieve your goals.

A media buyer continuously optimizes:

Like good wine … a programmatic campaign gets better with time. This is the typical development curve of a programmatic campaign:

Enjoy the success of your first programmatic campaign with a good wine.